Over 20 Years Of Legal Experience

Extensive Experience In OC Courts

Affordable Legal Fees

Training Material

Civil Motions, & Discovery

Family Law Materials

  • Non-Parent Visitation Issues (CALDA SO CAL) 07-28-2014

  • Dissolution (Divorce) examples, steps 1-3

    (incl. proof of service, UCCJEA, fee waiver, property declaration, DissoMaster, declaration of disclosure, declaration regarding declaration of service of disclosure, request to enter default, proposed judgment, and more!)

  • Completing the dissolution paperwork – videos

    • Dissolution Step 1 (part 1) (13m56s)
    • Dissolution Step 1 (part 2) (9m2s)
    • Completing the fee waiver as part of Step 1 (5m25s)
    • Completing the proof of service as part of Step 1 (3m24s)
    • Dissolution Step 2 (15m15s)
    • Completing the Declaration Regarding Service of Declaration of Disclosure (3 min 13 sec)
    • Dissolution Step 3 – no kids (6m57s sec) – Forms
  • Domestic Violence

  • RFO training materials


Restraining Orders